by Michael O’Hara, Certified Consulting Hypnotist
Sleep deprivation is one of the most under-reported and devastating bad habits in our nation. A recent health study from Sweden found people who lived on busy, noisy streets were sleep deprived and were 25% more likely to be overweight. As a result of poor sleeping habits, they had less energy, decreased mental & emotional functions (brain fog), and higher levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, which causes the accumulation of belly fat.
Researchers at the University of Michigan have also found that each additional hour of sleep has increased a woman’s libido by 14% for the next day, and that women with a healthy sleep pattern are more easily aroused!Most sleepless nights can be directly linked back to mind chatter – that incessant inability to simply shut down. Most times, you’re ready for a night’s sleep, but suddenly, without rhyme or reason, you begin to review the days events, checking what was right or what went wrong. Things you should have done differently and things you shouldn’t have said or done at all. And so it goes, minute after minute — you try to escape your thoughts.
A new, better position is taken in bed. You feel comfortable… relaxed… ready to doze off… but suddenly, without warning, you begin to review the day ahead, checking what to do, making sure the list is complete, going over it again and again. You are in the grip of mind chatter.
Mind chatter – of the past and of the future – is ruining your present. If your problem is as simple as shutting down the negative behavior pattern of ceaseless thoughts, a Certified Consulting Hypnotist can help.
Here are a few Hypno-tips which my clients have found incredibly helpful —
1. YAWN! As soon as you get comfortable in bed, follow your breathing as it flows easily and effortlessly in its rhythmic pattern. After a minute of two, think about yawning. Evoke a nice, full yawn — just like a lion in the jungle with mouth wide open and let your voice be heard as you expend this delightfully relaxing breath. Without any force of effort, yawn one or two more times.
Congratulations, you have successfully made a psycho-physiological bond. Your mind and body are now in alignment, signaling a time to relax and prepare for deep, tranquil sleep.
2. Follow a consistent sleep pattern — Variations or interruptions destroy the sleep cycle, so observe and adhere to a regular pattern as much as possible. Your subconscious mind will know the precise time to begin to shut down if you become a creature of habit.
3. Write it down & let it go — Forty percent of people with chronic insomnia suffer from coexisting psychological or emotional problems. Stress, sadness, panic, compulsions, and general uneasiness can trigger acute insomnia. At the end of your day, write down the problems that are swirling in your head and be consciously aware of physically and mentally letting go of the notepad until the morning light.
4. Check your medications for side effects — Fifty percent of all insomnia cases are related to medical conditions or more precisely to the over-the-counter or prescribed medications used regularly. Have a complete physical screening and discuss your situation and medications with your physician. By becoming aware of prescription side effects, you can adjust the meds accordingly, and at the same time, put your conscious mind at ease.
5. Lower that radio! Distract your conscious mind by placing a radio nearby your bed and turn it on at bedtime (preferably to a noncommercial station) and lower… lower… lower the volume to the point where the sound is barely audible. You are making your conscious mind really work hard at listening, allowing your subconscious mind to emerge and send you to dreamland.
R.I.P. insomnia. The reprogramming of your subconscious mind to accept restful sleep as an automatic response is possible with repetition. Negative behavior patterns have become a conditioned response. The key is to replace the old thoughts with a new, positive message.
Usually in one short session – during a lunch hour – quicker than a happy hour, I have provided customized behavioral techniques to remove negative thought patterns and mind chatter. As a Certified Consulting Hypnotist, I can provide the tools and the techniques in one, complete Hypnosis session. You’ll leave refreshed, renewed and ready to sleep soundly once more with the aid of the customized MP3 recording of your session to be played at bedtime.
Providing yourself with the gift of restful sleep is one of the most beneficial methods in attaining and retaining health, vigor, mental optimism, and high levels of creative energy.
Still curious about how a customized Hypnosis session can provide deep, refreshing sleep? CONTACT US! Make your appointment today. Achieve harmony of mind, body, and spirit.
Michael O’Hara, CH, is a Consulting Hypnotist, certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists, who practices in New York City. His website is He may be contacted at 917-747-9763 or via email at